Curious G
Connect 9
Symbol Sudoku
Mr. P
Hands to Who?
Nemo Found
Extra Hand
Blues Hues
True (Sympathique)
Needs for Ski
Record Log Logos
Curiouser Logos
Telephone I Pg. 1
Telephone IV Pg. 8
‘CEO in a Box’
Portuguese Tiles
Sons of Mary

Spring Storm Art Show

Archival Digital Prints

Installed in three 2x3 ft white frames in Lawrence Hall, College of Design.
Spring 2024.

‘Patterns’ 2024

Pattern creation has captivated me for as long as I can remember, and the creation of artistically capable technology only increased my interest in the skill. Comprised of seven custom colors, 98 individual patterns and one in-depth focus pattern, this collection explores the intersection of art and technology. Each pattern is a manifestation of my fascination with the vibrant hues and intricate geometries found in both the natural and digital worlds. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources such as nature's symmetrical wonders, urban landscapes, and the endless archive of graphic designs, every unique pattern represents a different visual texture through blends of color and complexity.

2024 Artist’s Book

The red/yellow cover is my first official artist’s book. Majority digital designs, 32 Pages.
Created with Adobe InDesign and published through Blurb.

Hardcover, 8x10”
Spring 2024

ISBN: 9798875458408

Book & PDF’s available for purchase:

‘It’s all ART’

The sage colored cover is my second official artist’s book. Compilation of digital & mixed media pieces, 56 Pages.
Created with Adobe InDesign, published through Blurb.

Softcover, 5x8”
Fall 2025

ISBN: 9798347458509

Book & PDF’s available for purchase:

Print Sales

Spring term 2024, the 10 returning students of Letterpress studio hosted print sales to raise funds for their magazine production. Every artist created three to four designs for each sale. Prints were made using cotton paper and photopolymer plates on a letterpress.

Telephone Collective

The Letterpress students responsible for the print sales allocated the sales’ profits to the expenses of producing large quantities of the biweekly mini magazines we had designed. The magazines were 10 pages, and a different artist created each one, after only seeing the previous page. The magazines were then printed on a letterpress and sewn by hand.

    Passionate about creating compelling designs and dedicated to articulating sense of place through playful art that effectively communicates brand messages. With a keen eye for detail I am most drawn to clean, organized designs but have an immense appreciation for a more abstract style of art.

   This website is my portfolio showcasing a broad spectrum of work I have produced  over the past two years.

Digital Designer
Art & Technology BA